4 ways to easily wash batteries so as not to breathe harmful air

15.01.2025/17/40 XNUMX:XNUMX    398

Batteries, which are a source of heat for us, can also become the root of problems if you do not wash the dirt and wipe the dust in a timely manner. All because it is harmful to breathe vapors that go into the air from a dirty surface.


It is recommended to take a soft brush and treat all surfaces by hand or using a vacuum cleaner, if there is no heavy contamination in the middle of the battery.

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If there are old stains, and the dirt is very ingrained, more serious work is needed. To do this, prepare a baking sheet and a kettle with hot water. It is necessary to place the decoction under the battery, and pour boiled water on top of it. Along with the boiling water, all the dirt will fall into the baking sheet, after which they can be easily removed.

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As an option, you can take a tray and a spray bottle with a solution of water and detergent. Carefully treat each section with the solution and let it drain into the tray. After that, additionally treat the surface with clean water.

To remove old dirt, prepare a wet cloth, hair dryer or steam cleaner. Fasten the fabric to the wall behind the battery and direct the stream of hot air inside. The dust will rise and settle on the damp cloth, after which it can be removed and washed.

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