4 bad habits that create chaos in the house

15.01.2025/23/00 XNUMX:XNUMX    359


Despite all the attempts to organize the space, our efforts often come to naught quite quickly. Take a look at the dresser in the hall, which is always piled high with advertising brochures and electricity bills, or the armchair in the living room, which is almost invisible behind a mountain of clothes. To make your home much cleaner and nicer, watch your actions and get rid of these minor, at first glance, but very insidious habits.


1. Leave papers anywhere
Mailboxes are often filled with a huge amount of paper correspondence, but not all of it is really important and necessary. Some people sort out these piles right away, while others leave them all over the apartment and promise themselves to throw away the useless letters and postcards one day later.

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If you belong to the second category, train yourself to put papers in one place. Or put the trash can where you usually leave ads, flyers, and other paper spam.

2. Throw everything in a row in the closet
This is one of the "classic" methods of cleaning: in any unclear situation, just throw things in the closet. However, this habit does not help to organize the space and put things in order, and sometimes it completely prevents you from finding what you need.

Try a different approach and fill the closet with convenient organizers, and not only the upper, but also the lower shelves.

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3. Throwing clothes on the chair in the bedroom
After a hard day, many of us are too lazy to carefully hang everything on our shoulders and put it away in boxes. That is why we leave clothes on a chair or in a chair.

Buy a laundry basket with a lid. During the visit of guests, you can hide dirty clothes from prying eyes, and the rest of the time - keep a basket with an open lid and immediately throw things that need to be washed into it.

If you often throw clothes on the chair that you intend to wear again, put a few hangers in the places where you usually change. Keeping things organized is much easier when you have the right item at hand.

4. To buy things for which there is no room
If you're running out of space in your kitchen, living room, bedroom or nursery, maybe it's time to fight your love of shopping.

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For this, a simple rule will come in handy: what you buy must take the place of what you already have. For example, if you bought a new sweater, it means that one of the old times should be given to charity. Such a useful habit will help not to clutter the space.
