Go to bed on time, sleep 7-8 hours, but still feel tired and broken? Most likely, you are not taking into account some important factors in your lifestyle. They directly affect the quality of a person's sleep and well-being. Many of them, we are sure, will be a real discovery for you.
The editors of Prostoway have collected 10 reasons that prevent you from getting enough sleep.
Nervous excitement and stress
According to research, stress not only develops irritability and chronic fatigue, but also contributes to partial or complete loss of sleep.
It would seem that the more things pile up on us, the better we should sleep - because the body needs rest so much. But, paradoxically, everything happens exactly the opposite: the higher the voltage, the worse we sleep.
With constant nervous tension, you can get not only insomnia, but also periodic migraine attacks.
It's too warm in the bedroom
Scientists have already proven: high temperature in the room shortens the duration of deep sleep. As you know, how much you sleep depends on it. Therefore, your bedroom should not be more than 22 degrees. And before going to bed, it is best to ventilate the room. It is also better to avoid taking a hot bath or visiting a sauna before going to bed.
Consumption of products containing caffeine
Everyone knows that caffeine does not have the best effect on sleep. Therefore, it is recommended to drink coffee or green/black tea before 17:00. And after that time, you need to replace it with something else. By the way, cola and cocoa also contain caffeine, albeit in a lower concentration. Therefore, pay attention to what you drink and eat before going to bed.
Inappropriate mattress
A mattress cannot last forever and requires replacement every 10 years. And if you don't even remember when you bought it or you sleep on an old, worn-out sofa, then this may be the reason for your restless sleep. Now you can choose a modern and high-quality mattress on which you will have the sweetest dreams.
Lack of physical exercise
Sport promotes deeper and better sleep. One recent study showed that when people suffering from insomnia began to exercise regularly, their sleep became much better. At least 20 minutes of daily exercise or a long walk in the fresh air will ensure sweet dreams.
Read or watch TV in bed
The bed is still intended for sleeping or making love. For all other matters, you should find another convenient place. We read books in a chair or at a desk. And it is better not to place the TV in the bedroom.
No gadgets before bed
And in this case, we mean all possible gadgets that emit blue light. It is known that it negatively affects the production of the hormone melanin in the body. He, in turn, is responsible for a full sleep.
Addiction to the phone
Even if you follow the recommendations in the previous point, there is still a possibility that your phone can disturb your sleep. Today, we spend a lot of time on social networks, solve work issues by mail, answer messages. Therefore, set a limit for using your phone and visiting social networks. This can be done in the settings of literally every smartphone. Fewer worries and stresses, and more time for yourself.
Alcohol abuse
It is believed that a glass of wine at dinner does not harm the body, but allows you to relax well after a working day. This point is quite controversial, according to doctors. It is known that alcohol negatively affects sleep. Under its influence, a person does not sleep well in the second half of the night. Doctors advise not to drink alcohol at least three hours before bedtime, or limit yourself to a glass of red wine.
You lie in bed for hours and cannot fall asleep
If you are used to endlessly tossing and turning in bed, waiting for sleep to come, then this only aggravates the situation. Doctors believe that in this case, the brain can decide that lying in bed without sleep is the norm. And therefore, it will be very difficult to fall asleep.
On average, a person needs about 15 minutes to fall asleep. If after this period of time you do not fall asleep, it is better to get up and do something. For example, drink herbal tea, do routine chores at home, read your favorite book.