In this article, experienced housewives told how to solve the problem of food sticking to the pan with the help of only three very affordable means, so that as a result you and your loved ones can enjoy delicious dishes.
A frying pan is simply an indispensable thing in almost any kitchen, which is designed for frying a variety of dishes. However, over time, soot can form on it, due to which products begin to stick to the surface. This is especially true of regular pans, although non-stick pans are also widely used.
If food has started to stick to your regular pan, experienced housewives recommend trying the following life hack using baking soda and two other available ingredients. This method is extremely simple and effective, and most importantly, it takes very little time.
First, it is necessary to remove any residues of fat and food from the dishes. Then the bottom of the pan should be sprinkled with three tablespoons of baking soda, evenly distributing it over the entire surface. After that, housewives are advised to pour 100 milliliters of table vinegar and let the mixture stand for a few minutes.
Then you need to add 100 milliliters of alcohol and put the pan on the stove. The solution should be brought to a boil and left on low heat for approximately 3 minutes. After that, it remains to drain the liquid and rinse the pan very thoroughly with water. You will definitely notice how the food will now stick much less.
However, experienced housewives noted that this method is suitable only for pans without a non-stick coating. If the food starts to stick to the pan with a non-stick layer, then, most likely, the coating is already damaged, and therefore it is recommended to replace the pan.