How to make cheese sauce from 4 ingredients

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With French fries or fried chicken, with vegetables or pasta, cheese sauce is a real pleasure. It doesn't taste so good without it. If you do not want the store format, then prepare a natural and most delicious cheese sauce. It only requires 4 ingredients.


The following products are needed for cooking:

  • Cheddar cheese - 200 g;
  • oil - 80 g;
  • flour - 2 tablespoons;
  • milk - 200 ml.
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How to cook

We start the process by melting the oil. They do it in a pan. When it melts, pour in the flour. Start mixing thoroughly. The meaning is that the flour should be fried. If this is not done, the taste of flour will remain.

So, when the mixture of butter and flour is homogeneous, then add milk. Continue to mix so that no lumps form.

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Gradually add the cheese to the sauce and stir until it melts. When all is used, then continue to cook until thickened. The sauce should become homogeneous. Bon appetit!