You should not wait until the bottom of pots, ladles, pans and other dishes disappears under the layer of soot that has formed. The less contamination there is, the more likely you will be able to return the dishes to their original state.
In order to clean pans and pots, you only need the "ingredients" that are available.
Among them are salt, soda, dishwashing liquid and an old toothbrush.
First, pour salt on the bottom, then add the same amount of baking soda. Next in line is dishwashing liquid.
After all the components are applied, walk well over the contaminated areas with a toothbrush and leave for a while.
The final stage, for which you will need table vinegar. Cover the bottom of the dish with a paper towel, then pour vinegar over it.
It remains to wait for the reaction to pass - it takes another 10-15 minutes, and then run the brush again.
If it was not possible to restore the metallic shine to the products the first time, it's okay, just repeat the cleaning procedure again. But this time you need to increase the amount of cleaning products or the time of their exposure.