Don't throw away the banana peel: your flowers will thank you

10.12.2024/01/00 XNUMX:XNUMX    405

Banana is a tasty and nutritious fruit, which, by the way, can be useful not only for humans, but also for plants. And it is not at all necessary to share the sweet pulp with indoor flowers. For them, the part of the banana that we usually consider garbage is enough: the peel.


This part of the fruit is also rich in nutrients, including potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium.

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You can simply shred the peel and spread it on the surface of the soil, thus improving the quality of the soil and protecting it from premature loss of moisture.

And you can prepare a liquid for watering by cutting the peels and pouring them with water.

Leave the resulting preparation for a few days, after which you can safely water the plants in your garden with the infusion.

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Finally, there is a third option to use banana peels that benefit plants, which is to throw them into the compost pit and wait for them to turn into valuable fertilizer.

Use banana peels to feed roses, gladiolus, violets, azaleas, and dahlias.