The differences between flu and SARS are named

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For many people, there is no difference between the flu and SARS, so they believe that the course and treatment of the disease are the same. However, the differences are very significant, as the doctor explained.

First of all, the specialist explains that SARS is a general name for viral respiratory infections, while influenza is a separate representative of this group of diseases and has more severe consequences compared to others.

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With the flu, a person's condition deteriorates sharply, literally in a matter of hours, and is accompanied by a temperature of up to 40C, which lasts for a long time and is almost unrelieved by antipyretic drugs, chills, weakness and body aches.

The day after the first symptoms appear, a dry cough begins, which after a few days turns into a wet one. A person with the flu may have severe headaches, and the disease lasts up to 10 days, and residual ailments may be felt during the next three weeks.

The symptoms of SARS are "softer", that is, the patient's body temperature does not rise above 39C, weakness and pain are less, and the duration of the disease is up to 7 days. At the same time, after recovery, a person does not experience long-term ailments. The doctor reminded that vaccination is an effective protection against the flu. Vaccination begins to work after 2 weeks, strengthening immunity for a period of up to 1 year.

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