Beautiful people are usually unlucky in love

12.12.2024/14/20 XNUMX:XNUMX    572

Beauty has nothing to do with love and happiness. A study conducted at Harvard University shows that people who are more physically attractive are more likely to fail in relationships.

For the study, scientists asked a group of women to rate photos of people on attractiveness. After that, the scientists compared the obtained grades and happiness in the love relationships of these people. It turned out that all those who were rated as "very beautiful" were divorced or single.

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Previous studies have shown that people who have a steady partner over time stop considering and paying attention to other people. For this reason, the authors of the study wanted to find out whether attractive people continue to maintain interest in other people during relationships.

Researchers have found that beautiful people, even when in a relationship, stare at others.

This often becomes the cause of quarrels and separations. In addition, beautiful people are judged as frivolous and unreliable, so they are in no hurry to build lifelong relationships with them.

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