Is it possible to use a pan with a damaged Teflon coating

12.12.2024/10/31 XNUMX:XNUMX    459

You are looking at a frying pan that raises questions. It seems whole and strong, but the Teflon coating is scratched most likely by forks, spoons or a knife. What to do with it, because it is a shame to throw it away, and there are doubts about its safety.


The Teflon coating is durable, but the downside is that it is easily damaged. That is why it is recommended to stir something exclusively with silicone spatulas.

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If there is already damage, then you need to know about further actions. Experts categorically do not recommend using such pans, because toxic substances will be released during the cooking process when the pan is heated strongly.

You can also hear the opinion that scratched Teflon dishes are safe to use. Even if a piece falls off its surface and you eat it with food.

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We will look objectively at the situation and ask the question: "Would you like to eat Teflon?". Unlikely. In addition, there have already been cases that the company DuPont, which invented the Teflon coating, was forced to pay millions in compensation to people for harm caused to the health of thousands of people. In general, use cast iron pans. They are definitely safer.