Frequent colds can signal cancer and hormonal failure

03.12.2024/23/31 XNUMX:XNUMX    448


An infectious disease specialist named the dangerous causes of frequent respiratory infections.

In the interview, the doctor listed the pathologies that can explain frequent colds and other respiratory diseases.

"Frequent cases of SARS can indicate hormonal imbalance, acquired immunodeficiency (for example, the presence of HIV infection), oncopathology, as well as extreme physical effects and the impact of harsh ionizing radiation," the doctor said.

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The specialist added that a complication caused by an infection or a prolonged course of one disease is often mistaken for a new disease. In any case, this signals a decrease in immunity. It can be determined with the help of a general blood test - socialists detect a decrease in the immune response by the content of leukocytes.

In addition, the frequency of respiratory infections can occur in connection with a chronic inflammatory process - for example, with a focus in the urinary system. It is possible to clarify its presence from a urine analysis.

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The doctor urged people who get sick several times a year to consult doctors without trying to boost their immunity on their own. Drugs from the class of immunostimulators and immunomodulators should be prescribed exclusively by specialists - their improper self-use can provoke autoimmune diseases.