Hypotension or arterial hypotension is low blood pressure. It can be a congenital feature, or arise as a result of some factors - for example, stress or pathological changes in the body.
There are several things that are useful to know about hypotension, and not only hypotensives.
In addition, the pressure may drop in a situation of dehydration or overheating, as well as against the background of taking certain medications, for example, drugs to lower blood pressure, diuretics, antidepressants, tranquilizers.
Also, the pressure can decrease when the body position changes from horizontal to vertical, after eating - this is often observed in mature and old age.
Pressure that has suddenly dropped is dangerous. If a person who is not hypotensive has a sudden drop in blood pressure (the so-called acute hypotension occurs), you should urgently seek medical help. A sharp drop in pressure can be a marker of such conditions as bleeding, myocardial infarction, thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery, arrhythmia, shock, intoxication, hypoglycemia, due to diabetes.