Which milk is better - pasteurized or sterilized

11.11.2024/14/33 XNUMX:XNUMX    257

Which milk is more harmful.

In the first half of the 25th century, over 1865 years in England alone, more than two and a half thousand people died of tuberculosis, which they contracted as a result of drinking raw milk. Meanwhile, back in XNUMX, the French scientist Louis Pasteur patented an invention that would save both the English and all raw milk lovers from this disease. True, it was used for a completely different drink, informs Ukr.Media.

Pasteurization (the process named after the scientist) was used only for wine. French wines could now be sold all over the world, and during long transportation they did not turn into vinegar, as before, but reached the consumer in their "original" form. Milk was pasteurized only in the second half of the 20th century. And before that, in order to secure it, they used sterilization at home, or boiling.

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Today, pasteurization has undergone significant changes. For this purpose, milk is subjected to 65-degree heat treatment for 15-40 seconds. If a higher temperature is taken, then, accordingly, the pasteurization time is shortened. So, at a temperature of 85 degrees, it is processed for 8-10 seconds. This allows you to destroy absolutely all microorganisms in milk that can cause any diseases. But in such milk, live lactic acid bacteria remain, which are heat-resistant. Such milk can be stored in an airtight container for up to ten days. After fermentation, it turns into full-fledged sour milk and can be used further.

However, today a method has been invented in which milk can be stored without a refrigerator. This is ultra-pasteurization, or in other words, sterilization. Here we are talking about a temperature from 120 to 150 degrees. At the same time, it takes no more than four seconds to carry out the process (compare, when sterilizing at home, milk is boiled at 100 degrees for half an hour). Such milk can be stored in an airtight package for more than six months. This is due to the fact that all living things are destroyed in it, there are no microorganisms capable of development. For this reason, sterilized milk is considered "dead", that is, devoid of any useful nutrients and vitamins.

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There are no vitamins in pasteurized milk either, they die at the very first heat treatment. It is designed to make only some enzymes inactive. All this preserves the nutritional value of milk. This is according to the experts of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the USA. In their opinion, in the American diet, milk is not the product that provides a person with vitamins, they can get them from other sources. But all other useful substances, including calcium, are more than enough in pasteurized milk. At the same time, its calorie content is low.

Now pasteurization preserves even some of the vitamins in milk. The only difference between pasteurized and sterilized milk is the lack of vitamins in the latter. Another thing is that sterilized milk does not sour at all. After the expiration date, it becomes bitter and generally unusable.

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After studying the properties of pasteurized and sterilized milk, researchers from the English University of Cornwall came to the conclusion that both types are capable of causing damage in case of temperature and storage time violations. Yes, in sterilized milk, there are really no bacteria that can develop and affect the properties of milk. But this is exactly as long as it is in the package and at the appropriate temperature. It is enough to open it and leave it warm, as the bacteria will not make themselves wait. And if in the case of pasteurized they turn it into ordinary sour milk, then sterilized can cause poisoning.
