Every person is partly a deceiver. It is impossible to find someone who will be crystal clear in any situation. And yet psychologists will tell you how to get the truth from your loved one.
The problem with lying in a long-term love relationship is that it needs to be noticed in time, and it is sometimes not easy to do this.
Catch him by surprise
If you really want to find out the truth from your loved one, you should not ask sneaky questions at the moment when he is waiting for it. First, he may have answers to your questions. Men are extremely foresight, so they think everything through in advance. Secondly, he can be psychologically ready for any questions, so he does not get confused in lies.
It is better to find out some details in which a man is lying or hiding something at an inconvenient moment for him. For example, this can be done when you are resting. It's best not to do this when he's busy because he might refer to your distraction. The ideal option is to ask a question while eating.
Speak as little as possible
Ask questions, do not put pressure on the man and wait for answers. People feel compelled to answer when you're silent, so force yourself to ask a question quickly and briefly, and then just keep quiet.
For example: "Were you at work all this time yesterday?". If he was really at work, then he will not think or think for a second, and then he will answer in a completely normal voice "yes". If he is lying, most likely the pause will be longer and the answer will be annoying.
A prize for the truth
A man can be "trained" by causing the emergence of unconditional reflexes to the truth. Every time he is open with you, on your initiative or not, tell him, “Thank you for being open. I love it when you're so honest with me." It should be a compliment so that every time he speaks frankly, it is accompanied by a release of the hormone of joy.
It is useful to never scandalize and promise him this before an important conversation. Any truth is better than a lie - you and he need to realize this. Psychologists recommend reducing the seriousness of the situation. In such conditions, a man will be as comfortable as possible. In such an environment, he will not perceive his beloved woman as an adversary and as a source of negativity.
Set a good example for him
If we show honesty to a person, we thereby increase the chance that the person will be just as honest to us in return. Psychologists are one hundred percent sure of this statement, because it is human nature to treat others the way they do.
Try to say more often the words that you are telling the honest truth, even if it is difficult for you to do so. It is desirable that these were true words. This will make an impression on anyone, the interlocutor or the other half will want to be like you. It affects men especially strongly, because they have a bit of competitiveness. If their woman is honest with them, and they need to be.
Do not bend the stick
If you interrogate him with passion, the man may simply laugh back and say that he is not a small boy to report. It often happens that people do not tell the truth even under strong pressure from the other half, simply out of a sense of protest.
The main thing is that the man does not feel like a little boy who accidentally harmed and is standing in front of an angry mother. It is impossible to arrange an interrogation in this style, otherwise you will never hear the truth from him.