How Chinese housewives cook frozen dumplings to make a delicious dish

05.11.2024/16/31 XNUMX:XNUMX    46


Dumplings occupy a special place in Chinese culture, so every housewife knows how to prepare an impeccable dish. It is not always possible to pamper the family with a freshly prepared dish, so frozen dumplings come into play. It is the Chinese who know how to bring even store-bought semi-finished products to perfection. What tricks will help with this.

Soaking dumplings

Many housewives send the dumplings to the pan immediately after freezing, which is a big mistake. Because of this, the dough turns out to be tasteless, and the meat does not have time to boil evenly.

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It is more correct to soak the dumplings in water for a few minutes. It helps to prepare a decent dish.

Sending to the pot

We are used to the fact that dumplings need to be thrown into boiling water - this is even written on the packaging in the cooking instructions.

However, this does not improve the taste qualities of the semi-finished product.

Wait until the water just starts bubbling. At this moment, it is necessary to send the dumplings to the pan.

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A glass of water

This useful trick helps dumplings keep their shape. After the liquid boils after sending the dumplings, you need to carefully pour another glass of water.

After boiling, the trick must be repeated again. After the second glass of water, the dumplings are cooked for exactly 60 seconds.