Many housewives, despite the fact that they devote time to tidying up with enviable regularity, waved their hand at such an element of the kitchen as the grates installed on the gas stove.
If you're also tired of fighting dirt on your grills, try getting rid of them with one effective method.
Its main advantage is that you will not need any special tools or expensive household chemicals.
Instead, stock up on a 50ml bottle of ammonia, heavy-duty trash bags, and of course, gloves, and then you can start cleaning.
So, after you put on the protective gloves, place the grate removed from the stove in garbage bags and pour ammonia.
The bags should be hermetically tied and it is better, of course, to take them to the balcony, because in this form they should lie for a day.
After 24 hours, still wearing the same gloves, clean the grate from soot - it can be done even with your hands. In extreme cases, use a knife.
Please note: this method is suitable for cleaning cast iron products.