The creators of the cartoon series "Simpsons" were able to predict the results of the elections in the USA 24 years ago. In the 2000 episode an almost identical election map was shown map of the 2024 US presidential election.

This interesting fact was noticed by the user of the "X" social network. His "theory" was picked up by other users who are also sure that "Simpsons" really could predict the future.

So, in a 2000 episode titled "Bart in the Future" featuring Lisa Simpson, who succeeded Donald Trump as president. This series was filmed 16 years before Donald Trump first became the president of the United States.

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After accepting the post of president, Lisa said in a video clip: "We inherited a serious budget crisis from President Trump."

Attentive users of social networks noticed a strange fact in the same episode — the election map shown in the cartoon almost completely coincided with the map of the 2024 US presidential election.

Yes, the TV presenter is standing in front of a map of the United States, which shows which states voted for Lisa, and in which her opponent - an unnamed man - won.

The map in 2000 shows states that voted Democratic and Republican. And the map with "red" and "blue" states from the cartoon almost completely coincided with the map of 2024, which was published by official resources.

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We will remind you that this is not the first time that an animated series predicted the future. The creators predicted the course of the "Mad Queen" Daenerys Targaryen in episode 5 of the final series of "Game of Thrones".

An episode of the parody of the famous series was shown in 2017 in the series called "Serfs". At the end of the series, Homer and his family watch as a huge dragon destroys Springfield and all its inhabitants.

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