Ukrainian drivers often communicate with each other using different car signals. But some of them, to the surprise of the drivers themselves, may be prohibited by law. In some cases, you can even lose your driver's license for excessive "friendliness", writes SUV News.
It's about using the hazard warning lights, which many drivers turn on to "wink" at others. Traffic rules prohibit this and clearly define when you can use the "emergency light": when driving with technical malfunctions, when towing, when forced to stop or at the request of the police, if you are blinded by the headlights of an oncoming car, or in the event of an accident.
If the driver is caught using the emergency alarm without reason, he will be fined 425 hryvnias. If an accident occurs because of this, the fine will amount to 680 hryvnias, and the driver may lose his license for up to a year.