Some housewives, having discovered mold in a jar of jam, immediately say goodbye to it.
But, if there is not much mold and it has not infected the entire mass, the jam can be overcooked.
Remove the mold with a spoon, if the remaining jam does not smell of mold, then it can be poured into a saucepan and boiled for 5-7 minutes with the addition of 100 grams of sugar per 1 kg of liquid.
Then the jam can be poured into a jar again, closed with a capron lid and eaten within 2-3 days.
Jelly or compote can be made from boiled jam.
No need to put the can in the cellar again. Jam spoiled once can no longer be stored.
And if the smell of mold is pronounced and the fungus has already infected the entire jar, then such jam should be thrown away.
What to do so that the jam does not mold in the jars?
Close the lid tightly to prevent air from entering the jam.
Put a little more sugar than indicated in the recipe.
Do not leave jam for storage in cellars with high humidity.
Eat jam with bones in the first year of storage, otherwise it will ferment.
And jam after cooking can be sprayed with vodka to protect it from mold.