What to add to pea soup to make it twice as appetizing

09.11.2024/08/31 XNUMX:XNUMX    92

Cooking pea soup is a culinary art. And it is available to everyone. The main thing in this case is to know the basic recipe, and then everything depends on your preferences and imagination. It is very tasty when smoked meat is added to the soup. For example, ribs. It's just fantastic. And there are three ingredients that can also enhance pea soup. We will talk about them today.

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If there are no smoked ribs, no problem. There are delicious and alternative options. For example, adding sausage is a great option. As a last resort, sausages. You can take 2-3 types of sausage, fry it and add it to the soup. The taste is guaranteed to be tastier.

Cream cheese

This is a rather unexpected ingredient, but it has a right to exist. Processed cheese can make the soup much more delicate in taste. At the end of cooking, it should be introduced into the soup.

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If you like spicy and aromatic soup, then garlic will complement it perfectly. It is also administered at the end of cooking.

Bon appetit!
