When can we say that saving has become pathological?
Such a concept as "economy" is familiar to many. For some, it even becomes a goal in life. To go to a nearby store because some products are cheaper there, to sew tights because they are torn where you can't see them, and many other things - people resort to various tricks in order not to spend extra money. And sometimes you can notice that the desire to save goes beyond the limits, informs Ukr.Media.
There are such dysfunctional words as "squeeze", "limit yourself", "sacrifice something". Already from the linguistic turns it becomes clear that such styles of behavior are dysfunctional and traumatic.
Here it is worth mentioning that our psyche functions in two modes — the principle of satisfaction and the principle of dissatisfaction. Such a combination of spendthrift behavior, when you have to buy everything, and at the same time masochistic manifestations - suffer. Normally, all this should be combined in harmony.
But when we talk about shopaholicism or changes, when a person buys everything, wastes it, it is always necessary to understand the structure of what this is happening. Most often, such a failure occurs in the structure of a depressive disorder, when a person tries to fill some pain, it happens in the structure of personality disorders, when there is a failure in emotional regulation, due to which everything is bought. Pathological change, the desire to buy everything, to buy to fill some voids, can be associated with a dangerous style of attachment, when a person wants to fill loneliness at the expense of purchases.
Spontaneous purchases can also be influenced by external pressure when they become a means of obtaining satisfaction, and this is the simplest model of such satisfaction.
As for savings, it can be different. For example, a way to punish yourself for something, a way to emphasize that a person is not worth something. In addition, many people can save because of overly strict standards for themselves. Economy is encountered as a feeling of guilt or shame. There is also saving out of envy: when the thought comes to me that someone has something, I will start saving, and I will have it.
Savings can become a pattern from the family, when the idea that you need to save and squeeze is often broadcast at home. And under the influence of various factors, it can develop into hypertrophied forms. It is not for nothing that you can often see how people save on basic needs in order to buy something big - a house, a car, etc.
When we try to assess whether saving has become pathological, we must understand that a person will never and should not save on basic needs. She should not stop eating to save the freed up money for something else. If this kind of economy suddenly starts, you should understand why it happened, what changed in the mental and psychological well-being of a person, that he went to such a measure.
Now there is also a trend to save. For example, abroad, children are often taught from childhood that it is necessary to save, it is worth thinking about retirement, collecting money and other assets for old age almost from infancy. As a result, a person develops constant frustration and dissatisfaction. Healthy economy is when a person does not have to squeeze and injure himself, no goal is worth it.