Why you shouldn't spend money on omega-3

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Claims to popular fatty acids appeared in the authoritative research organization Cochrane.

What we know about Omega-3

Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the pillars of modern healthy nutrition.

The usefulness of these compounds has long been beyond anyone's doubt. It is believed that they reduce blood pressure and the risk of heart disease, speed up metabolism, fight against "bad" cholesterol... in general, simply irreplaceable.

And literally irreplaceable. These fatty acids are not synthesized by the body on its own. And that is why it is important to get them with food.

In such an irreplaceable status, omega-3 acids have taken root in the diet and have even been included in international medical recommendations for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Dozens of studies confirming this have been conducted.

Only recently it became clear that the research is not so accurate.

What is wrong with omega-3 acids

It is not that scientists deliberately mislead the world. Rather, they were sincerely mistaken themselves.

Previous studies were of the so-called observational nature. Scientists have noticed that representatives of "fish" communities, such as the Greenland Eskimos or a number of ethnic groups in Quebec, have a lower incidence of heart disease and a higher life expectancy than the average for humanity. The basis of the diet of these communities, as is clear from the definition, is oily marine fish. Therefore, the researchers assumed that it is all about omega-3 acids contained in fish.

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Other possible reasons - the same healthier and more mobile lifestyle that representatives of similar communities lead, the absence of harmful habits or simply good ecology - were simply dismissed.

Science has only recently reached a full-fledged systematic analysis. The Cochrane review cited 79 randomized controlled trials involving a total of 112 volunteers.

A small digression. Such studies are the basis of modern evidence-based medicine. They exclude any coincidences. Situations when in one group everyone eats fish and lead an active lifestyle (as in "fishing" communities), and in the other - entirely residents of nervous gassed metropolises, are impossible. All categories of people - active, nervous, smokers, and fish lovers - are divided into control groups approximately equally.

Most of these studies compared the risk of cardiovascular disease in patients taking omega-3 supplements or consuming foods high in fatty acids (fish oil, hazelnuts, vegetable oils, particularly flaxseed) and those taking placebo or ignored omega-3. Doctors monitored the condition of the volunteers from 12 to 72 months. And they didn't notice the difference.

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It turns out that omega-3 fatty acids do not prolong life and do not improve the condition of the heart and blood vessels, as previously assumed.

Does this mean that you can not take omega-3

Let's put it this way: stunned scientists will think about it.

The official website of Cochrane published the reaction of the world's largest experts to the news that omega-3 acids turned out to be a pacifier. Some quotes are amazing.

Supplements with omega-3 cost quite a lot. My advice to anyone buying them in hopes of reducing their risk of heart disease is to spend your money on vegetables.

Tim Chico (Tim Chico), Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine and Honorary Consultant Cardiologist at the University of Sheffield (Great Britain)

There is no reason not to trust Cochrane's systematic review. However, in general, it is not worth writing off omega-3 acids either.

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First, the studies in the Cochrane review only looked at the link between omega-3 and cardiovascular health. Other possible beneficial properties of these fatty acids have not been studied as thoroughly.

Today, it is believed that taking omega-3 relieves depression, reduces the risk of mental disorders, fights inflammation and autoimmune diseases... and maybe it is. Until proven otherwise.

Second, it is normal for new data to force physicians to reconsider old guidelines. But it is possible that no less authoritative studies will be presented that justify omega-3. In a sense, they will once again confirm the effectiveness of taking these fatty acids for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

However, there is no such data yet. So, buying supplements with omega-3, as well as specially introducing sea fish and nuts into the diet in the hope of taking care of the heart and a long life, is pointless. Better, really, spend the money on vegetables.

By the way, regular potatoes also contain omega-3. So you definitely won't be without essential fatty acids.
