Stimulators of the immune system can be not only pharmaceutical drugs, by the way, they are not cheap at all. There are more affordable means that improve the body's immune defenses no less effectively.
Fast. During the year, it is useful to give up food for a while - for a day or two. Scientists from the University of Southern California found that during fasting there is a slight decrease in the number of white blood cells in the body, but after it ends, their level exceeds what it was before.
Listening to music. Scientists say that when listening to favorite musical compositions, the content of natural killer cells in the body of music increases, which are targeted by the immune system to destroy bacteria, pathogens, as well as cancer cells.
Walks in nature. Japanese researchers have found out that walking in natural landscapes for just 20 minutes reduces the level of cortisol, a hormone, and suppresses the activity of the immune system.
Sauna. According to data obtained by Australian specialists, people who visit a sauna twice a week are twice as likely to be exposed to cold infections compared to those who do not go to the sauna.