How to make the simplest thick apple jam

02.10.2024/14/00 XNUMX:XNUMX    463

This jam, when thickened, resembles marmalade: both in appearance and in taste. It is very easy to prepare and does not take long. Try it once to save the recipe and cook year after year.


It is necessary to peel 3 kg of ripe apples, removing the cores. It is necessary to take more, because at the end there should be so much left. You can take beaten, slightly defective ones.

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Then pour 50 g of water into a cauldron or a pan with a thick bottom, add chopped apples and cook over low heat until the apples become soft (30-40 minutes).

Then, while still hot, blend the resulting mass, add 2,3 kg of sugar. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat for one hour, stirring occasionally. Be sure to cover with a lid so that it does not "shoot".

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In the meantime, prepare the jars: sterilize them in the oven or in the microwave. Pour the finished jam into dry jars, let it cool, and then close it hermetically.

Store in a cool, dry place. Such jam - thick, fragrant, golden - can be used on pancakes, and on pies, and just on bread!

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