British sociologists have compiled a rating of those activities that make people happy. It turned out that love affairs take only the eighth place in it.
For many of us, sex is associated with intense pleasure, and there is even a theory that many people do almost all of their actions on a subconscious level because of one or another sexual desire. However, a new study conducted by a chain of dental clinics in the UK has shown that in the ranking of activities that make people happy, sex is only in eighth place. And only 22% of survey participants experience the maximum level of happiness from it. Watching TV was in first place with a score of 40%.
Surprisingly, visiting pubs popular in Great Britain is on the second line with 34%, and ordinary sleep is on the third. It makes the maximum happiness of 28% of survey participants. This list also includes physical activity, as a result of which the body produces happy hormones endorphins, and breakfast together with the family.
2000 people took part in the study, but only half of them consider themselves happy. The happiest day of the week is called Saturday. The survey also revealed favorite British TV shows, which included the popular in Ukraine "Dancing with the Stars".