Porridge in milk will not burn if you first pour a little water into the pan, and then milk.
It will not spoil the taste of the dish, but the porridge will not stick to the bottom of the pan and you will not have to wash the dishes from the heat afterwards.
Add salt to the water to make it boil faster.
It is better to stir porridge with a wooden spoon, not an iron one.
Firstly, the porridge will not change its taste, and secondly, the spoon will not spoil the coating of the pan.
Pans for cooking porridge are suitable from stainless steel with a thick bottom. In enameled dishes, as a rule, everything burns.
And in no case do not leave the stove while cooking porridge.
The most important secret of delicious cooked porridge is constant stirring and low heat.
A small life hack: porridge cooked in a microwave oven does not burn.
Therefore, if your porridge burns every time you cook it, you can switch from gas cooking to a microwave oven.
Porridge in a microwave oven is prepared in just 4-5 minutes at full power.