Currently, Ukrainians live in an extremely "wonderful" time, when it is not known what will happen even in one hour. Not to mention what will happen tomorrow, or in a few days. Emergency power outages can happen suddenly and at any minute, and it is not known at all how it will be in winter. Many people live in private houses, and the presence or absence of water supply also depends on light. So, just in case, we bring to your attention three options for hairstyles in case there is no opportunity to wash your hair.
It should be noted that there is always an option to use dry shampoo and it is desirable to have at least one "bottle" of such a product at home. It will definitely help to "refresh" the hair roots and any hairstyle will immediately look better. The main problem of unwashed hair is the presence and visibility of "oiliness" of the scalp and "oiliness" of the fibers themselves near the roots. The best way to hide it is to collect it. Even in the same "ponytail", which the well-known Ukrainian singer Nataliya Mogilevska once liked to do very much during the "Dancing with the Stars" project. In addition, anyone who lives alone and does not have outside help can make a "tail".
There is always an option, but if someone is nearby, braid yourself "pigtails". Best of all, the well-known "spikelets". After all, they are so intertwined and confused that it will not be immediately clear: wash your hair or not. Any work done can be fixed with hairspray. In this way, it will also help to remove the unpleasant smell from unwashed hair, if it is present.
If there is strength, but there is no electricity or water supply, you can slightly wet your hair, make it completely wet and wind it on a curler, or make several large "braids". And go to bed with it all. In the morning, untwist, comb and you will get beautiful twisted curls, which can also be fixed with hairspray.