Many housewives often face the problem when pasta sticks together after some time after cooking. You just don't need to wash them under running water to avoid this trouble. Instead, there are a few simple rules to follow.
The first and most important rule is to choose the right cooking time:
Always try to follow the instructions on the package. Usually it is 8-10 minutes, but each species may have its own cooking time. About 100 liter of water is needed for 1 grams of pasta. Do not overcook the pasta, as it may become soft and stick together.
To properly cook pasta, I simply put it in boiling water and add a little salt. During cooking, I regularly stir the pasta so that it cooks evenly and does not stick together.
The second rule is adding oil:
Adding oil helps prevent sticking. I recommend using a combination of butter and oil. This will give the pasta a pleasant taste and improve its structure.
So, after the pasta is cooked, I drain the water. I had a pack of durum wheat pasta weighing 400 g, for this amount I add 40 g of butter and 2 tbsp. l. odorless oil. I immediately mix.
The side dish is ready and can be served on the table, for example with cutlets. But, if you cooked it and plan to serve it the next day, I recommend cooling it at room temperature, be sure to mix it 2-3 times in the process. Then you can put it in the refrigerator.
Even on the second day, the macaroni will not stick together, they are easily mixed. You can heat it up in a dry pan with a non-stick coating, oil is no longer needed. Or cook macaroni with them in a naval style, here it is already to your taste and desire.