Human oddities: which of them can be considered normal

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Every person at least once noticed oddities behind him that made him think about his mental health. For example, when on the surface everything is fine, but for no reason you want to cry. Or someone made you terribly angry, you are walking down a deserted street and start screaming out of nowhere. Are you all right? Or is this a bell that it's time to make an appointment with a psychologist? Do not rush to push the situation, scientists say that some failures in behavior are natural and should not scare us.

Human quirks that are absolutely normal

The habit of grooming

It happens to everyone. You share a significant event and without remorse embellish the story by adding non-existent colors. Studies say that 76% of people resort to everyday lies, deliberately changing the details of their story or exaggerating the severity of events. Why do we need it? To impress the interlocutor, to get the desired feedback that would show that our emotions are understood and accepted.

Disputes with yourself

If you love to talk to yourself, whether it's out loud or about yourself, that doesn't make you psycho, it's a sign of high intelligence. Such a habit helps the brain to focus on the task, quickly find a solution to a problem, learn material more easily or find a break in a logical chain. The only caveat is that conversations should be conducted in a positive way. Humiliating rhetoric, criticism, depreciation negatively affect the speed of thinking and the result of work.

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People of all sexes, races and states are prone to this "oddness". On average, each of us spends washing the bones of politicians, celebrities, bosses and acquaintances about 47 minutes a day. Neither intelligence nor life satisfaction affect this indicator. Why is gossip useful? This is how we exchange news, feel like a part of the team, relieve unnecessary tension. And we also increase the level of attachment to friends and partners (after all, thanks to gossip, the hormone oxytocin is produced).


Do you often find your brain turning off and going into “sleep mode” while you stare blankly at one point? Don't be alarmed, because our nervous system shuts down from extraneous stimuli in order to most effectively solve a problem, find an answer to a troubling question, or simply relax. In today's world there is too much noise and advertising, the body needs rest and recharging. And if you rarely arrange a full-fledged rest for yourself, you haven't been out in nature for years - this is the surest way to relieve yourself.

Increased lacrimation

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How did you even get the idea that there is a norm for how much you can cry? Tears are a natural state of the body, with the help of which it gets rid of stress and excess hormones and experiences that have flooded (even good ones). Women are more prone to this phenomenon because they depend on the monthly cycles. And cultural norms do not set such strict prohibitions for them as for men. One thing is not normal - if you cry constantly and cannot calm down. Then it is better to consult a psychologist and work on past traumas. Maybe you have the resources right now!

The desire to scream

No, you're not crazy. It's just the way your body relaxes. Someone cries, someone drinks alcohol, someone falls into hibernation, and you start screaming. This is a feature of your temperament, which should not be restrained, if you do not want to later lash out at close people. In psychology, there is even such a direction - cry therapy, the effectiveness of which has been evaluated by thousands of people. It perfectly helps to release suppressed emotions and relax muscle clamps. By the way, for this it is not necessary to go to the forest or hit the pillow, sports and extreme entertainment are also suitable.

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Thoughts about death

Don't worry, this is not depression and not an existential crisis. Reflections on death periodically visit millions of people. What matters is what you get out of this state? If it scares you or leads to suicidal thoughts, go to a psychologist. And if you see this as a motivation to be better, to take care of your health, to start implementing your projects sooner - all is well. It is thinking about the finitude of life that helps people gather their strength, discard everything superfluous and start living here and now, ceasing to postpone dreams for tomorrow. Scientists call this phenomenon a kind of meditation.