In general, the cause of bad smell is bacteria that accumulate on our feet and then settle on shoes, they write Tips 24. They are not harmful, but emit an unpleasant smell that you want to get rid of as soon as possible. That is why we advise you to apply certain tips that will remove the problem with the smell.

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This option may surprise many, but it really works. All you have to do is wrap the shoes in a bag and put them in the freezer for 12 hours. The cold will destroy all the bacteria in the shoes that are the source of the bad smell.

Hydrogen peroxide

To get rid of a bad smell in 5 minutes, you will need hydrogen peroxide and vinegar. Wet them in cotton wool or a sponge and wipe the inside of the shoes.

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Soda and starch

Take 3 tablespoons of soda and 1 tablespoon of starch. Add a few drops of perfume or essential oil. Put this powder in two socks and put them in your shoes overnight. Such homemade deodorant will remove all the bad smell.

Tea bags

To remove the bad smell of shoes overnight, take tea bags. Tea has antibacterial properties and is a good absorbent, so it will absorb any bad smell.

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The liquid in the form of a spray or gel kills bacteria well inside the shoes, so the bad smell will disappear quite quickly.

Mint leaves

Fresh or dried mint leaves can remove the bad smell from shoes. You just need to put it in a canvas bag in your shoes for the whole night to remove the bad smell.