Caring parents seek to raise harmonious personalities, so they will take care of this ghost. Therefore, we have prepared some tips.
1. You need to praise the child for a specific action. This is especially important for boys, because in this way the future husband will have a desire to act further. "You helped me carry a heavy bag. It's quite difficult, but you did it! Lifting heavy things is the business of real men!"
2. It is necessary to praise the child without comparing him with others. Do not use comparisons at all. "And you drew better than Olenka!" — this is the business of silly parents, don't be like them! Children themselves are always competing among themselves without parental help. On the contrary, the child should be taught to avoid this, to compare only today's self with yesterday's.
3. You should praise the child without focusing on what is given to him easily. If you see that the child easily climbed the ladder, just record it as a fact, without unnecessary phrases: "Yes, I see that you climbed the tall ladder yourself!". If you see that the child has made some effort, add kind words, but do not exaggerate.
4. It is necessary to praise the child using dosed praise phrases. Don't get hung up on every little thing. As in the proverb "Praised, praised, and knocked down" Some scientists even state that when you praise a child, he begins to show the opposite result, or behave very badly. So that this does not happen, it is better to thank life for the fact that it turned out that way, the child achieved something - this is good. Without unnecessary emotions, praise and teach the child not to stop, but to set a new goal.
5. It is necessary to praise the child without promising him that he will definitely become a famous person. This is a certain continuation of the previous point. Always evaluate the child objectively. After all, she believes you, imagine how disappointed she will be if somewhere in another team she notices that there are people who dance, draw, do sports (anything else where the kid was the best) much better than her.