Sometimes an accidental mistake leads to the fact that you have to spend time, money and energy on choosing a new wardrobe.
And how can it be otherwise, if one touch to a freshly painted fence or a bench renders pants, a skirt or a coat unusable?
In fact, it is not worth making such sacrifices - oil paint stains can be easily removed if you know how to act in a similar situation.
Yes, if the trace is fresh, dishwashing detergent will help remove it.
Prepare a solution by mixing Fairy or liquid from another bottle with water in equal parts, apply to the stain and leave for about 10 hours.
Then you need to remove the remaining paint with a brush, after which wash the clothes under cold water.
If the contamination appeared relatively long ago, gasoline will come to the rescue, which should be used to wipe the traces of paint.
In this case, you should first check the reaction of the fabric on an inconspicuous area - an aggressive solvent can change the color of the product.