In the Russian Federation, two people died at an ammunition disposal site

04.08.2024/07/45 XNUMX:XNUMX    29

In the Russian Federation, two people died at an ammunition disposal site

Photo: RosSMY (illustrative photo)

Two Russians died due to an intern's mistake

The assistant head of the disposal center of JSC Outpost Baltic Plus was teaching the intern how to handle explosives, but something went wrong.

In the Smolensk region of the Russian Federation, due to an intern's mistake, two people died as a result of an explosion at an ammunition disposal site. Russian TG-channel Baza reported this on Saturday, August 3.

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It is reported that the explosion took place on August 2 at the landfill in the city of Dorohobuzhi: the assistant to the head of the recycling center of JSC Forpost Baltiki plus Andriy Pogorodsky was teaching a trainee how to handle explosives.

When the novice was unscrewing the detonator (probably an anti-personnel mine), an explosion rang out. As a result, both men were killed, another employee who was passing by the place of training was injured.

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