Dry lips do not look very attractive, but this is only one of the problems. Even if you don't pay attention to the appearance, there are unpleasant sensations that cause a desire to urgently moisturize dry skin.
Dry lips can be caused by external and internal problems.
Most often, increased dryness manifests itself due to weather conditions. The epidermis loses moisture faster due to hot or dry air. In the cold season, the lips are exposed to wind and frost, which eventually leads to a similar result. In addition, dryness is caused by ultraviolet light. And, of course, one should not forget about sharp temperature drops.
Among the internal causes of dry lips, the following are most often distinguished:
- Lack of liquid consumption;
- The presence of bad habits, such as smoking and drinking alcohol;
- Frequent licking and biting of lips;
- Deficiency of vitamins in the body;
- Toxicosis.
There are also professional reasons. For example, dry lips are often observed in musicians who play wind instruments.
How to deal with dry lips?
Diversify your diet, consume a sufficient amount of liquid, do not forget about vegetables and fruits, and saturate the body with all necessary vitamins.
If the lips are often dry, they need regular moisturizing. Use appropriate balms after eating and before going out. They can also be used as needed when a strong feeling of dryness appears.
Choose products with moisturizing components and vitamins that help restore the skin. It is very important that they are soft for the desired effect. Now you can buy products with the taste of berries, fruits, and sweets. It all depends on personal preferences.
If there are no cosmetic products at hand, they can be replaced with homemade ones:
- Castor oil and vaseline on top - after a week you won't recognize your lips.
- Honey applied to the lips will not only moisturize them, but also play the role of antibacterial protection.
- Glycerin is a great natural moisturizer that repairs damaged skin. It is better to apply a few drops before going to bed.
If the reason lies in the disease, then first you need to undergo an examination by a doctor.
A correct diagnosis and treatment will definitely solve the problem, but it will probably have to wait.