The seven most useful products for the intestines were named by doctors

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Intestinal microflora or microbiota are microorganisms that live in the digestive tract. It has been established that the human intestine contains an average of more than 10 trillion bacteria, both "good" and "bad". Violations in their ratio can cause and aggravate health problems.

As Danielle Gaffen, M.Sc., explained, diet and certain nutrients help reduce the severity of various symptoms of bowel disease. At the same time, some products get rid of such ailments better than others. Gaffen and other experts named the seven most useful.

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Citrus peel

Citrus peels can boost digestion, support healthy bile flow, and help the liver function, explained Caitlin Self, M.Sc., Nutritionist for Eat This, Not That!. "Additionally, lemons, limes and oranges contain d-limonene (highest in orange peel), which supports peristalsis (muscle movement in the upper gastrointestinal tract) and may be beneficial for heartburn, bloating and GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)", she added.

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Ginger and apples

Ginger helps reduce gas formation in the intestines and improves blood circulation, said Nutritionist Allison Gregg. The plant also eliminates nausea, so doctors often recommend drinking some ginger tea in this case.

According to Lynn Poston, MD, apples are rich in pectin, a type of fiber that can neutralize mild stomach acid and improve bowel function.



Fermented foods and salmon

Fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, are able to heal the intestines because they provide the microbiome with beneficial bacteria (probiotics). In addition to sauerkraut, you should pay attention to kimchi, miso and kefir, said Dr. Laura Po Mates.

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Gaffen advised including foods rich in omega-3 in the diet, such as salmon and other fatty fish. According to the specialist, it should be used at least twice a week.