Many car owners focus on a number of indicators when buying a vehicle. Among them, the most important is the power of the machine. Many nuances depend on it, including the cost of insurance, as well as the amount of taxes paid. The motorist of a professional car service told what is more important - the power of the car or the torque.
Few people understand why you need to know what the torque is, what it affects. If horsepower is the amount of horsepower a vehicle is capable of developing, then torque means acceleration.
The power allows the vehicle to accelerate to maximum speed values on the road. This dependence is far from linear. But the torque shows how quickly the car can do it. The higher it is, the greater the acceleration of the car.
In most ads for the sale of a car, more attention is paid to power. The torque indicator is indicated less often and fewer car owners pay attention to it. However, it is important for sports driving enthusiasts because it ultimately determines how confidently the car will pick up speed on the road, especially when overtaking.