The benefits of vitamins and minerals for health are confirmed by many scientific studies. However, there are still many beliefs about them that are not actually true. Experts identified 6 main myths.
The first says that natural vitamins are better than synthetic ones. In fact, it is not. The chemical formulas of vitamins do not change depending on their origin, so useful elements obtained through food or supplements are absorbed in the same way.
Also, many people think that vitamins are never superfluous, and they can be taken without control. However, in most cases, vitamins should be selected by a specialist for the needs of a specific person. This can be done only based on the results of the analyses.
The third myth is that calcium strengthens nails. In fact, the amino acid cysteine makes nails hard. Despite the fact that calcium must be present in the nails, other elements are necessary for their health - selenium, zinc, phosphorus and chromium.
In addition, almost everyone is sure that vitamin C helps with colds. At the same time, studies have not proven its effectiveness in strengthening the body's defenses. But vitamin D definitely helps fight viruses and infections.
Experts also dispelled the myth that proper nutrition saturates the body with all the necessary vitamins. Most often, this is possible only with strict adherence to the norms of KBZHU (calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates). But even in this case, some useful elements may be missing in the body.