Fighters from the "Revenge" brigade organized a "night hunt" for the occupiers in Serebryansk forest (video)

02.08.2024/21/34 XNUMX:XNUMX    37

In the Luhansk region, fighters of the Luhansk border detachment named after The hero of Ukraine, Colonel Yevhenii Pikus, was ambushed at night and enemy fortifications were destroyed.

Operators of the heavy bomber "Vampyr" were working in the Serebryansky Forest area near Kreminnaya.

As reported by the DPSU, with the help of a heavy attack drone "Vampire" the border guards made precise strikes on the positions of the Russian occupiers near Kreminnaya. As a result of the attack, a number of enemy fortifications were destroyed.

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The video of the work of the border detachment was published on the YouTube channel of the Border Service of Ukraine.

"A number of enemy fortifications were destroyed by the operators of the heavy bomber "Vampyr" in the Serebryansky Forest area near Kreminnaya. The work of border guards of the commandant's rapid response "Aut nos aut nullus! "Either us or no one!", commented the State Security Service.