7 unnecessary organs in the body, left over from our ancestors

06.08.2024/05/12 XNUMX:XNUMX    44

There is an opinion that there is nothing unnecessary in a person. However, this is not the case.

We have some body parts left from our distant ancestors, but later they lost their functions and became useless. We will talk about these rudimentary organs!

Long palmar muscle

With its help, our ancestors could firmly grasp the branches of trees, easily jump between them, escape from enemies by releasing their claws. But when they came down from the trees and started walking on the ground, this muscle became completely useless, informs Ukr.Media.

Today, 15% of the planet's population does not have this muscle. And do you have it? This can be easily checked: put your hand on the table, palm up. Cross your thumb and little finger together. If you see a small skin fold, then you have this muscle.

Arrector Pili

This is the name of a muscle capable of raising hair on the body and causing goosebumps. Probably, this phenomenon is familiar to everyone. In the past, he played a huge role. Animals ruffled their fur, thus keeping more heat. Also, this muscle helped us defend ourselves by making us larger than our actual size.

But how can he help modern people? In order not to freeze, heating and warm clothes were invented a long time ago. Therefore, this muscle also falls away due to unnecessaryness.

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Wisdom teeth

Probably one of the most unpleasant things that came to us as an "inheritance" from our ancestors. Bursting, they cause unbearable pain and discomfort.

But earlier it was with their help that primitive people survived in this world. They ate mainly hard meat, and therefore, until the age of 20-25, a person remained practically toothless. Of course, no one had heard of dentists then. Therefore, a pair of extra teeth, which were just growing at this age, was more useful than ever.

But later we learned to cook food over fire, grow cereals and raise livestock, and we no longer need to chew raw meat. Therefore, wisdom teeth not only lost their function, but also began to interfere with the growth of other teeth. Already in 15% of the population, they do not grow from birth!

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Nasal sinuses

These air spaces around the nose have become a burden for us, because they bring only troubles. It is because of them that people can develop complications of the common cold: sinusitis and sinusitis. But why they are needed, no one knows. Doctors have been trying to determine their true function for more than a century.

Perhaps in the past, these sinuses enhanced the sense of smell of our distant ancestors. And thanks to them, the pressure was regulated during a deep dive.

Darwin tubercle and ear muscles

The bulge near the upper part of the auricle is called Darwin's tubercle. Today, this vestige has practically disappeared: it can be found in only 10% of people. Previously, this shape of the ear helped to better catch sounds and hear enemies at a great distance.

Ear muscles occur even less often. You rarely meet those who know how to wiggle their ears. Our ancestors did this to better hear the approaching danger. By the way, cats remained predators, so they never lost an opportunity to move their ears.

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Crescent fold or third eyelid

In reptiles and birds, as well as in human ancestors, this part of the body performed important functions: it moistened the eyes, protected them from dust and wind. But with the change in living conditions, we no longer needed it, and the semilunar fold atrophied, greatly reduced in size. The upper and lower eyelids have taken over its functions in modern man.

Grasping reflex

Until now, this unconscious action is very well developed in children under the age of six months. Babies can grasp something tightly with their fingers and hold it for a while. But with growing up, the reflex is replaced by an independent action.

In the past, it was very important for survival. Small children could not move on their own. Therefore, if danger threatened, they clung to the thick hair of their parents, thereby saving their lives.
