The fear of change is common to almost all of us. Some to a greater extent, and to some to a lesser extent.
Sometimes he protects us from mistakes and reckless actions. But it often only hinders our development, stops us from learning new, interesting, exciting things. How to get rid of the fear of change and stop being afraid of what tomorrow brings? As it turned out, it is not difficult at all.
Why are we so afraid of change?
The fear of change is based on a completely understandable instinct of self-preservation. As long as everything is stable, there is no point in changing your life.
But people are complex creatures. And we have been using various motives, incentives and ideas for a long time, which are far removed from the original instincts. And therefore, if we listen to our fears, we will soon get depression caused by monotony and lack of personal development.
It is almost impossible to completely get rid of the fear of change. But if you regularly get out of your comfort zone, then in the future such "brave" acts will become easier and easier for you, and sometimes even bring pleasure.
5 ways to get rid of the fear of change
Often we begin to fear even those changes that consciously carry neither danger nor negativity. And this anxiety gradually eats us from the inside, regularly spoils our mood. How to get rid of this exhausting feeling?
Awareness of the need for change
Realize that you need these changes. If you are afraid, for example, to change jobs, then you have probably already found a lot of shortcomings in the new position offered to you. But you should understand that it is not just curiosity that pushes you to change. For example, by changing your job, you will get a chance to improve your own well-being. And that's why you simply need such changes in your life.
Representation of an event in the past
Imagine that the event you fear has already happened in the past. Try to count how many positive moments she brought into your life. Now the future act will not seem so difficult, right? Accept the change as something that has already happened, and it will be much easier for you.
Small changes at first
Start with small changes. If the fear of the new haunts you throughout your life, then you should get rid of it gradually and systematically. Start with minor changes — take a different route to work, order an unfamiliar dish at a restaurant. Over time, step out of your comfort zone more and more often, and you'll soon notice that it's easy for you.
Search for like-minded people
Find like-minded people. Sometimes all you need to overcome the fear of change is a good ally. He should be a person who can dispel your fears. It is she who will help you overcome difficult moments in your life.
"No" to failure
Don't be afraid of failure. For most of us, the main reason we fear change is the unwillingness to fail on our new path. But the fact is that mistakes and troubles happen to everyone. Well, you can avoid them only if you do nothing at all and do nothing. Yes, you can get involved in an adventure and end up losing. But the probability that you will emerge victorious from the situation may be much higher.
How to develop self-confidence in tomorrow
Apparently, no intelligent person can be unconditionally confident in his abilities. However, faith in tomorrow should still be developed in oneself. It will not only help you achieve your goals, but will also allow you to stay in a good mood.
If fears and apprehensions again overtake you, just remember the following points:
- You can be defeated as much as you want, but you will never lose the main thing - the love of your family and friends. After all, this is the only thing that matters. Everything else is impermanent.
- Periodic changes are necessary for mental and emotional health. They harden the nervous system, are those stress factors that activate immunity and tone the body.
- There is only one life, and you want to have time to see it in all its manifestations and aspects. And this is possible only if you periodically change something - try your hand at new activities, visit unfamiliar cities and countries, meet interesting people.
Over time, in each of us, the desire for stability begins to prevail over natural adventurism. But sometimes you still have to make some effort on yourself. After all, the reward is always worth it.