Adhesive tape is a brilliant invention of mankind. With the help of scotch tape, you can repair almost anything, as long as you have imagination and enough scotch tape. But in order to simplify the matter of using scotch tape in various unpleasant circumstances, when you have to think quickly, you should know - how have you already used scotch tape in different situations?
RBC-Ukraine (Styler project) has collected material with options for what can be done with scotch tape, if there is nothing else at hand.
Scotch tape on the go
Tent or clothing repair. Don't know how to use a needle and thread, or are you in a hurry? Hem pants or skirts with duct tape until you can repair them properly, or repair a tear in a tent with tape.
Rope Twist the ribbon into a rope to use as a makeshift clothesline. The ends can even be tied to a post or low-hanging tree branch.
Thermal protection and protection from insects. Wrap your pants around your ankles to keep ticks and other insects away from your legs, or to keep your legs warm in the winter.
Laces. Quickly twist the tape into a makeshift shoelace. It works quite well.
Scotch tape and medicine
Remove the wart with tape. Cover the wart with tape for a few days, then remove the tape, clean the area and apply a new piece. Most common warts will disappear within a month. At least, it is considered so.
Temporary bandage. Tape a paper towel or cotton wool over the cut as a temporary bandage. It's not pretty, but it works pretty well. This will keep dirt and moisture away until you can properly clean and bandage the cut.
Elastic bandage. You can wrap a sprained ankle with tape. Simply wrap the stretch in paper towels before taping it so it's easy to remove when you're ready to wrap it with an elastic bandage.
Fastening for a tire. It is easy and quick to make a splint for a broken leg or ankle. You will need a small, smooth tire board wrapped in paper towels. Then tape the tire to your leg by wrapping it several times around the tire and your leg.
Removal of splinters. If you have a wooden, fiberglass, or metal rolling pin that's in an easy-to-reach place—like on your finger instead of near your eye—put a piece of duct tape on it, then pull it out. Some advise pulling the band back slightly, while others say a quick jerk is better.
Protection of calluses. If you get corns while walking, running, or hiking, don't stick patches on them. They often fall off. Instead, clean the calluses thoroughly, then place a piece of gauze over them and tape over the top.
Cutting the corners will help the tape stay in place when you put the socks on (photo:
Scotch tape for repair
Repair of glasses. Yes, if you tape your glasses, you will look like a "nerd". But if your glasses are broken and you can't replace them right away, a little duct tape is all you need. It's better to look "nerd" than not to see.
Sealing of any pipe or container. Whether it's a water pipe, a toilet tank, or a vacuum cleaner hose, if there's a hole, you can tape it up. In some cases, it will last a long time until you buy a new thing, but as for water, it is better not to delay the repair.