Happiness is an ephemeral, elusive state. Still, there are things that help "catch the comet by the tail." Every day you can become a little happier.
There is evidence that there is a so-called happiness gene. People who have two copies of this gene (one from each parent) are twice as likely to be satisfied with their lives, the study showed.
But even if you don't have that gene, here are some practical tips for achieving happiness that you can use the minute you read them.
Be grateful
It will make you happier. This will improve your relationship. It can make you a better person.
Bronze medalists are happier than silver medalists. Why? They are guided by the principle "I won at least something". At the same time, the silver medalists treat their result as a defeat.
If cats scratch your soul, you are literally haunted by failures, it means it is time to start keeping a gratitude diary. This is a great way to stay on the wave of success and consolidate it.
Try to get out of your head what caused you discomfort, you will return to sad thoughts - you will turn into an unhappy person. Set your brain on positive, reject negative thoughts.
Want to make someone else happy? Write letters of thanks. Reach out to the person who helped you and thank that person from the bottom of your heart, then deliver the letter to them personally.
Do what you like
What kind of activity do you like? When do you act most efficiently and comfortably for yourself?
Do you prefer painstaking and calm activities, or do you prefer something dynamic? Do you like to have time to spare, or do the best decisions come during deadlines? Do you need complete silence or background noise?
Spend time with the ones you love
According to the results of independent studies conducted by American psychologists, it was found that people who consciously set aside time for their loved ones were happier at the end of their lives than those who did not.
Many busy and successful people make the mistake of considering communication with loved ones a waste of time, which they later regret.
When we share our emotions and experiences with loved ones and relatives, our life plays with completely different colors. Moreover, it is not necessary to share only the positive, rather the process itself is important.
Money is good. But there are many things that are much better than money
How much money do you need for happiness? American scientists found out a specific figure - about 75 thousand per year. Money plays an important role in our lives, but it does not make a person happier.
Better spend your time and energy on other things.
The poor are just as happy with life as the billionaires, slum dwellers can be happy too. Money is good, but the insane desire to get as much money as possible is harmful.
Give it away
We are all familiar with the strange feeling that comes over us when we give something to others.
Research shows that giving is a sure way to feel happiness, it is greater and more meaningful than when we get something ourselves or spend on ourselves.
Go for the dream
Each step on the way to a goal that is important to us activates the synthesis of dopamine.
Whether the goal is to commit the perfect crime or live in an oceanfront villa, the brain produces dopamine as you take another step toward your goal.
This is why we can spend years trying to become a rock star or a successful doctor. And we rejoice when we get a little closer to the dream.
Surround yourself with positivity
Positive books, movies, beautiful things, for example, flowers, photos or dishes, listen to good cheerful music.
Smile, even if there is no one to smile at. Physiologists call a smile a good mood button, a joyful facial expression relieves muscle tension and stimulates the parts of the brain responsible for a good mood.
Do not envy or compare yourself with others
It is very important to learn to be satisfied with what you already have, appreciate it and get pleasure from it, without ceasing to strive for more.
Other people's victories and life's benefits should not cause anger and irritation, but motivate and inspire. The desire to keep up with others is one of the main enemies of happiness.
One of the most important things we can do right now is to simplify as much as possible. You don't need to try to do everything. stop Just do less than usual.
The problem is that we try to fit more and more things into the same time frame. And then one fine day we realize how expensive it was.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself
Feeling sorry for ourselves is one of the worst emotions we can experience.
By succumbing to it, we feel helpless, depressed. In no case do not feel sorry for yourself, do not accept the role of the victim, which you try on, complaining about the criminal fate.
Listen to your desires
Sometimes it happens that we try to achieve some goals, make maximum efforts, but inside ourselves we do not feel that we really want it. You should not force yourself to do what others expect of you.
Listen to yourself to understand what you really need. If you have a goal or a dream, then moving towards it and achieving what you want will make you a happy person.