What is Hashimoto's thyroiditis? 


Hashimoto's thyroiditis, or autoimmune thyroiditis, is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system mistakenly attacks thyroid cells. This leads to chronic inflammation of the gland, and over time causes the development of hypothyroidism, which is characterized by a lack of thyroid hormones. With a deficiency of thyroid hormones, protein, carbohydrate, fat, and mineral metabolism is disturbed, DNA synthesis is reduced, the nervous system is damaged, and a number of other disorders in the work of internal organs and systems occur.

Hashimoto's thyroiditis and hypothyroidism do not have specific symptoms and in the first stages of development often proceed without visible signs. It is because of this that the disease is often discovered accidentally during a complex laboratory examination. That is why it is important to undergo regular endocrinological check-ups even in the absence of complaints. INVIVO.ua offers all the necessary laboratory tests for a comprehensive assessment of the state of the thyroid gland.

Why does Hashimoto's thyroiditis occur?

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Currently, the scientific community is still investigating the exact causes of Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Among the confirmed causes are genetic predisposition, viral infections, stress, environmental influences, excessive consumption of iodine and other autoimmune diseases.

Symptoms of Hashimoto's autoimmune thyroiditis

  1. Quick fatigue
  2. Uncontrolled weight loss or gain
  3. Depressed mood
  4. Feeling of a lump in the throat
  5. Deterioration of memory and concentration of attention
  6. Dry skin and mucous membranes
  7. Violation of the menstrual cycle
  8. Hair loss and brittle nails
  9. Sleep disturbance
  10. Constipation

What tests will help diagnose autoimmune thyroiditis?

  1. Thyroxine is the main hormone produced by the thyroid gland and affects the vast majority of important processes in the body.
  2. Thyroid-stimulating hormone is synthesized by the pituitary gland and stimulates the endocrine activity of the thyroid gland.
  3. Antibodies to thyroglobulin - autoantibodies directed at the precursor of thyroid hormones, are a marker of autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland.
  4. Antibodies to thyroperoxidase are immunoglobulins directed against the enzyme contained in the cells of the thyroid gland, they serve as specific indicators of autoaggression.
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How to prepare for tests?

Venous blood is used for the study. The material is taken on an empty stomach. 12 hours before the examination, it is important to give up fatty food, smoking, excessive physical activity, drinking alcohol and medicines. If you cannot cancel taking the medication, inform the laboratory department employee about it. On the day of the study, to facilitate blood sampling, you can drink a glass of pure still water.

Decoding the results

Diagnostic results are not a diagnosis and require interpretation by a therapist or endocrinologist.

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An increase in the TSH level with a normal T4 indicator may indicate latent hypothyroidism.

Increased TSH and decreased T4 indicate hypothyroidism.

An increase in the level of antibodies to thyroperoxidase in 90% of cases indicates the presence of Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

Antibodies to thyroglobulin increase in 70% of patients with autoimmune thyroiditis.

It is important to understand that an extended laboratory and instrumental examination may be required to establish a final diagnosis.

On completion

Go through comprehensive check-ups at INVIVO and keep your health under reliable control!

You can find out information about available tests, promotional offers or find the nearest collection point on the website invivo.ua

INVIVO. We take care of the health of Ukrainians every day.