What diet should be followed for chronic hepatitis C


Hepatitis is a viral infectious disease. The pathogen enters the patient's body through the blood. The liver suffers the most from hepatitis. Its damage in the case of untimely measures can lead to the development of serious pathologies: cirrhosis and liver cancer, which end in death. According to the results of clinical studies recently published by the World Health Organization, hepatitis C is the most dangerous virus in its group, its most "malignant" variety. Only in 1/5 patients the infection does not turn into a chronic form. The remaining 80% of patients develop such a disease. At the same time, chronic hepatitis affects liver cells more strongly the later the treatment is started. That's why it's important to consult a doctor in time, who will prescribe a course of therapy and give recommendations for making a diet menu. Such food restrictions are extremely necessary, they significantly accelerate the recovery of a liver affected by disease.

Fortunately, in the "arsenal" of doctors these days there are sufficiently powerful and effective medicinal products for the fight against viral hepatitis C. The results of clinical studies have shown the high effectiveness of the use of an antiviral drug of direct action Sofgena, price which is low compared to alternative medicines. The active substance sofosbuvir has an inhibitory effect on the components of the virus, which inhibits the replication functions of the pathogen. However, there is no way to do without restrictions in the question during the course of treatment. Let's find out what kind of diet you need to follow for a speedy recovery.

Without diet, hepatitis C will not win

The organization of medical nutrition helps not only to significantly improve well-being, but also to increase the effectiveness of the therapy prescribed by the doctor. Adherence to the diet significantly accelerates the normalization of functionality and restoration of the liver structure, has a positive effect on the metabolism of the patient's body. A similar diet is indicated for acute and chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma.

If we talk about general requirements, then it is necessary to stop using products that can cause bloating and fermentation in the intestines, and contribute to the increased secretion of bile. Dietician doctors first of all recommend reducing the amount of fats and soy received by the body to a minimum. At the same time, dishes should be steamed, boiled or baked. Much less often, they can be stewed, but in no case should they be fried. It is also forbidden to drink alcohol of any kind. The diet should be divided into 4–5 meals. Overeating is unacceptable, so it is better to eat more often, but little by little.

List of prohibited products

Here are some products to exclude from your daily diet during treatment for chronic hepatitis C:

  1. Carbonated drinks, juice, cocoa, coffee, any alcohol.
  2. Meat, fish and mushroom soups.
  3. Beans.
  4. Sausages.
  5. Smoked meats.
  6. Pickles and preserves.
  7. Fat meat.
  8. Caviar.
  9. Sweet and puff pastry.
  10. Dairy and fermented milk products with increased fat content.
  11. Garlic, onion, greens, ginger, white cabbage, eggplant.
  12. Mushrooms.
  13. Fried eggs.
  14. Lard and margarine.
  15. Chocolate and sweets containing it, including candies, halva, nuts, condensed milk.

The use of tomatoes should be limited, and bananas and seafood should be eaten only occasionally. But not everything is so terrible. Quite a lot of products are allowed to be consumed, and delicious and nutritious dishes can be prepared from them. The compiled dietary menu should consist of the necessary amount of proteins, vitamins and other substances useful for the body, a reduced proportion of carbohydrates and a limited fat content. Meals should be taken approximately every 3 hours in a calm atmosphere, without haste, food should be chewed thoroughly. The portions should not be large, and it is advisable to drink kefir before going to bed. Its fat content should be between 1 and 2%.