How is restoration of front teeth carried out?


Front teeth, as well as chewing teeth, are also subject to decay under the influence of caries, which can develop due to various reasons. However, their restoration is a more time-consuming procedure, since they are located in the smile zone and the aesthetic side of the issue plays, in this case, an important role.

In this article, we will talk about how it is conducted restoration of front teeth in Kyiv and what are the features of this procedure.

Methods of restoration of front teeth

Depending on the degree of tooth destruction, there are the following methods of tooth restoration:

  1. When less than 50% of the tooth surface is destroyed:
  2. restoration with a photopolymer filling;
  3. installation of veneers from composite materials;
  4. restoration using ceramic veneers.
  5. When more than 50% of the tooth surface is destroyed:
  6. crown installation;
  7. implantation
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Let's consider the specifics of each method in detail.

If less than 50% of the tooth is destroyed

As it was said above, in this case, aesthetic dentistry offers 3 options for solving the problem:

  1. restoration with a photopolymer material that hardens when exposed to UV radiation. The advantages of this method include the possibility of its implementation in one visit to the doctor and affordable cost. The disadvantage is that after a couple of years the photopolymer darkens and needs to be renewed;

  2. installation of veneers made of composite materials, which, as in the case of a photopolymer seal, can be done in one session. The advantages of this method are high aesthetics and speed of installation, reasonable price. The disadvantage is the same as that of photopolymer seals — darkening of the material and the need to replace it after 3-5 years;

  3. restoration with ceramic veneers, which is the most effective method and, accordingly, the most expensive. Such a procedure is carried out in several steps, which is associated with the need to grind the tooth and select the shade of the overlays in accordance with the tone of the native teeth. The advantages of this method are a high level of aesthetics, durability, reliable protection of the tooth from caries. The disadvantage is the high price.

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If more than 50% of the tooth is destroyed

In this case, there are 2 options for restoring front teeth:

  1. installation of a crown, which is due to the need to strengthen the pulp of the tooth after canal treatment. Depending on the material of manufacture, crowns are metal-ceramic, ceramic and zirconium. Each of the varieties has its pros and cons, which you can learn in detail from your dentist;

  2. installation of an implant, which is carried out for the purpose of restoring the dentition after the removal of a tooth affected by caries. The advantages of this method are aesthetics, durability, the possibility of replacing the crown when the shade of the native teeth changes. Disadvantages are the risk of the body rejecting the implant, the high cost of the "prosthesis".

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All of the above methods are successfully applied in practice by specialists dentistry WDR on Akhmatova. You can make an appointment with a doctor by calling the indicated telephone numbers or leaving your application using the feedback form.

Come to us and we will help you regain a snow-white smile and self-confidence.