7 ways to help yourself speak English


Learning English is difficult for almost all people (except for those who have an innate predisposition to foreign languages). And the main problem most often is not any rules, but independent speech in English. There are several ways that can help a person master English for beginners and will speak in this language. However, these methods will only work if you apply them on a regular basis (after all, it is unlikely that a miracle will happen once you use them and the person will suddenly start speaking English).

Method 1 – listen to English

To start speaking English more quickly, you need to make it an integral part of your life. You can start small, for example, listen to the radio in English. Here, it is not even the understanding of the thing itself that is important, but the catching of its pronunciation. If you want to complicate your task, you can try to understand what exactly is being said.

Method 2 – learning basic words

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According to experts, basic words in English make up the majority of everyday speech, so having learned them, you can easily start communicating in English. There are about 300-400 such words, so it will not be difficult to learn them all (compared to the constant study of those words that may never come in handy).

Method 3 - speaks out loud

In general, when learning English, it is important to say words out loud. At the same time, you can also select small excerpts for yourself, for example, from your favorite films or TV series, and try to repeat the English speech after the characters. Moreover, the intonation and speed of speech are also worth copying. Such small but constant training will teach a person to speak any English word with an accent and correct intonation.

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Method 4 – actively use your knowledge

If a person has already learned the basic words, but still cannot speak fluently in English, it means that fears and internal obstacles prevent him. To get rid of them, you should apply your knowledge more often in life. For example, to begin with, you can start replacing some words in everyday conversation with English. After that, you can move on to complete sentences. After all, the struggle with one's fears and obstacles must be gradual.

Method 5 - communicate more often

It is the fear of miscommunication that prevents a person from speaking in English. But until a person begins to strive for communication (even with mistakes), he will never speak. Therefore, it is worth finding a person with whom it is possible to communicate in English. It's better if it's live communication, not correspondence.

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Method 6 – leave the comfort zone

In order to once and for all get rid of fears when communicating in English, you should leave your comfort zone more often. So, for example, you can call any company with interesting questions written in English.

Method 7 - learns phrases

In order for the learning process to go faster, it is worth learning phrases at once, and not individual words. Yes, it will be easier, then they will connect with each other in a conversation.