Methods of effective treatment of alcoholism


Alcoholism is a disease that can be successfully treated at any stage. Employees are offering their help to people facing this problem narcological center "ADOMED". This specialized institution approaches the issue of alcoholism treatment comprehensively, using the most advanced, effective methods for these purposes.

Alcoholism treatment program

Successful coding from alcohol dependence in Kyiv is a complex, step-by-step program consisting of several successive stages:

  1. Detoxification involves getting the patient out of a drunken state, cleansing the body, stopping the withdrawal syndrome. The main goal is withdrawal from drinking, after which further addiction therapy begins.
  2. Anti-relapse treatment — prevention of possible breakdowns, suppression of cravings for alcoholic beverages. Identification and elimination of the causes of the development of pathological addiction.
  3. Rehabilitation is the acquisition of new values ​​and life priorities. Overcoming psychological dependence on alcohol.

After the end of the treatment course, the patient goes through a stage of resocialization for about six months, during which the main attention is paid to the prevention of possible breakdowns and consolidation of the achieved results.

How does anti-relapse treatment take place?

Anti-relapse therapy is considered the most difficult stage in the fight against alcohol addiction. Treatment is carried out with the help of psychological and medical methods. Modern specialists prefer complex therapy that combines the use of medicinal preparations and psychotherapeutic methods.

Psychotherapeutic methods

Psychotherapeutic methods are aimed at working with the patient's subconscious, introducing negative attitudes related to alcohol into it.


Hypnotic effect is carried out after preliminary diagnosis, with the consent of the patient himself. The method makes it possible to identify and eliminate the causes of alcoholism, to put positive attitudes in the patient's mind. However, hypnosis is contraindicated for people with mental disorders. In addition, some patients are not amenable to suggestion.


During coding, the program of the consequences of the violation of the ban on the use of alcoholic beverages is introduced into the altered consciousness of the patient. As a result, a negative attitude towards alcohol is formed. This method of treatment is suitable only for suggested people, and also requires additional psychological correction. Otherwise, there is a high probability of nervous breakdowns, depressive states.


Drug therapy for alcoholism involves the use of drugs that cause unpleasant sensations when drinking alcohol. Instead of a pleasant state of alcoholic intoxication, a person faces the signs of severe poisoning. As a result, an aversion to alcohol is formed.

The drugs can be administered by injection or subcutaneously by implantation. Implants are considered safer for health than injections.

Advantages of complex treatment

It is proven that the use of only one of the therapeutic methods in the fight against alcoholism does not give stable, positive results. For this reason, specialists prefer complex treatment. Therapy begins with detoxification, at the next stage hypnosis or coding is used, then comes the turn of psychological rehabilitation.

Thus, both physiological and psychological dependence on alcoholic beverages is overcome. Additional work is also carried out with the patient's relatives. After all, the effectiveness of treatment and the duration of remission largely depend on his immediate environment and his behavior.

The rehabilitation program is developed by specialists individually for each patient. At the same time, not only the stage of the disease is taken into account, but also psychological features, age, sex, level of motivation, provoking factors. It is possible to undergo diagnosis and comprehensive treatment of alcoholism at the European Addiction Institute "ADOMED".