Ukraine has come up with an effective way to combat smoking

01.03.2019/19/33 XNUMX:XNUMX    25

Recently, tobacco has taken one of the leading positions in the list of vices of Ukrainians, along with alcohol and drugs. But if the second and third cause harm exclusively to the body of the person who abuses them, then everything is much more serious with tobacco.

In addition to the fact that it kills the smoker himself, becoming a kind of "trigger" for the development of oncological diseases, it also has a detrimental effect on the people surrounding the smoker. At the same time, such passive smoking, according to the studies of most scientists, causes more tangible harm than active smoking. In order to understand the full magnitude of the hidden danger of passive smoking, it is enough to cite one fact.

Thus, if a pregnant woman is constantly near a smoker, the risk of miscarriage increases several dozen times. In addition, it is passive smoking that is one of the main causes of sudden infant death.

In addition, smoking has a harmful effect on the environment. At least 5 million hectares of forest are destroyed every hour for drying tobacco (one tree for 300 cigarettes). Огромные деньги тратятся из года ход in order to clean everything around from discarded cigarette butts.

Terrible? And this is a far from complete list of all the "surprises" that tobacco use hides in itself. Fortunately, in recent years, learned minds around the world have begun to sound the alarm about this, and Ukraine is among them.

Currently, a special Tobacco Control Center has been created in our country. You can find out more about his activities here. In short, all his activities are aimed at studying, expert assessment and analysis of tobacco control industries in our country. The center works on legal grounds, guided by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992), which Ukraine ratified in 2006.

By itself, the Center works in all areas that affect the concept of "tobacco" to one degree or another. He is not only engaged in the development of environmental protection strategies, but also takes an active part in uncovering an important and painful "fistula" in Ukraine - illegal tobacco trade and everything related to it.

Thanks to the existence of the Ukrainian Center for Tobacco Control, our country will be able to better improve the anti-tobacco legislation of Ukraine and make our country cleaner, better and healthier, taking into account international experience in this field.