Ukrainian ruffians broke into an unguarded tank depot (VIDEO)


The authors of the video also entered the bunker.

In Kharkov, two ruffians entered the territory of a guarded tank depot without hindrance and showed rows of tanks with emblems of the Ukrainian armed forces, including 10 new T-64BM Bulat tanks. The point is that there was no remote control at the enterprise
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Bloggers posted a video on YouTube, indicating the exact amount of tank equipment seen - 300 units.

As you can see in the footage, there is no security at the facility, the guard tower has rusted and partially collapsed, and the gates between separate parts of the warehouse are open. There is also a tank car in the warehouse.

"We found about 300 old Soviet tanks, but when we passed between them further, there were still about 10 new tanks and the truck that brought them there. It looked just like a tank military car showroom! They had tags and seals on them, the equipment had no mileage," says the description of the video.

The authors of the video also penetrated the bunker, demonstrated stocks of military equipment and supplies.

In the video, it is noted that the warehouse of tank equipment is located 500 meters from the Kharkiv-Sortirovochny railway station, where the territory of the Kharkiv Armored Plant begins.

In the description of the video, the bloggers indicated that they also filmed the bunker inside, but they plan to show it later.