Classification of cargo during transportation

23.02.2019/12/45 XNUMX:XNUMX    18

Often, in the life of society, there is a need to transport dangerous substances. These can be poisons, gases and various explosive materials. Such cargo, which can cause harm to humans and the environment, is usually classified as dangerous. Such cargoes require special transportation conditions. Therefore, for transportation across Russia they were divided into classes. The separation was based on the physical and chemical components of the materials and the level of possible harmful effects on the environment and humans.

A total of 9 hazard classes are distinguished. The level of dangerous exposure increases from greater to less.

First hazard class

This group includes all explosive materials that can cause a fire, as well as devices containing explosive components used in the production of pyrotechnics. In this group, 6 subclasses are distinguished by the degree of explosion and splashing, as well as the spread of fire to the entire cargo.

The second class of danger

This group includes flammable gases under pressure, liquefied and compressed. In addition, all poisonous and unstable gases are included here. They can be flammable and non-flammable.

The third class of danger

This includes flammable liquids, or liquid mixtures, as well as suspensions containing solid materials that can release flammable vapors. Also, highly toxic solutions capable of causing corrosion were brought here.

The fourth class of danger

There are flammable materials in a solid state that are not explosive, but they can ignite from actions during movement. For example, when wetting, heating or friction.

The fifth class of danger

All materials and substances containing various oxidizers are placed here. These are materials and substances that can release oxygen, and in special cases can even ignite spontaneously.

The sixth class of danger

It includes materials with toxic and bacteriological properties. These are goods that can cause poisoning or illness upon contact with a person.

The danger class is the seventh

Loads possessing radiation activity. Radioactive materials emit alpha and beta active particles that can cause radiation damage and radiation sickness.

The eighth class of danger

This includes chemically active substances, namely acids and alkalis, which affect the skin, human respiratory organs, and can damage the means of transportation.

The ninth class of danger

This group includes all cargoes that are not included in all the previously listed classes, but certain conditions are required for their transportation.

All rules for the transportation of dangerous goods are regulated by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 15.04.2011, 272 No. XNUMX ​​and the European Agreement on the International Transportation of Dangerous Goods.